Leading Lady Legacy - Embrace Your Big YOU!!!
Forget the Mini-Me... Embrace the Big YOU!
Did you know that you are the best thing that ever happened to you?
Join us LIVE in Hawaii on Saturday October 9th to rediscover why YOU are the Leading Lady of YOUR life!
We are all stretched to the limit – family, work, civic and community involvement… sometimes it can be VERY overwhelming. And we’re expected to ‘rock it’ all with perpetual smiles on our faces! But you know what? That’s not real, it’s not life, and the reason you’re feeling burned to wick is because you’re trying to live someone else’s version of “success”.
Let’s break out of the mold!
Let’s step out of those shoes that don’t fit!
Let’s get out of the shadow of the person we’re trying to be…
And let’s embrace the person we already ARE!
You are no ‘mini-me’ – you are not a shade, a knock off, a faux-anything. You are powerful, masterful, and perfectly made – just as you are. You are a big YOU! Huge, exciting, awesome!
Join Lynita, Sonji, Myesha, Jessica, Briana, and Tonia for the Leading Lady Legacy - Hawaii Empowerment Conference as we take you through the 10 steps to become the Leading Lady of YOUR Life – however you choose to live it!
- Your business and career life: “No pain, no gain - but let me show you how to minimize the strain!” Sonji Willingham, CEO
- Your style life: “Look good, feel good, BE good – believe it!” Briana Marshall, Brand Consultant
- Your home life: “When mom’s happy, everybody’s happy… so let’s make mom ESTATIC!” Jessica Reardon, COO
- Your personal wellness life: “Peace of mind comes from bringing together the pieces of your life. Let me help.”
- Your community life: “You can do it, I can help, and together, we’re going to WIN!” Myesha Good, Political Consultant
- Your ENTIRE life: “There’s no time to be a mini-me – embrace the big YOU!” Lynita Mitchell-Blackwell, Attorney, CPA, Publisher, Wife, Mom, etc...
Join us!
Your Instructor
Lynita Mitchell-Blackwell is the Amazon bestselling author of The Leading Lady Legacy: 10 Steps to Becoming the Leading Lady of YOUR Life. Based on her life experiences as an attorney, CPA, book and magazine publisher, wife, mom, and community servant, Lynita shares 10 easy techniques to step out of the shadows created by our perception of what makes others so much better than us… and to embrace the huge potential of all that lives within each of us!
“There’s no time to be a mini-me – embrace the big YOU!”
Learn more about Lynita at www.lynitamitchellblackwell.com.